Urban Bouldering Johannesburg (mit Zitaten aus www.climb.co.za 03.11.14 und THE STAR 12.05.2012))

Verschwenderisch rutschiger Quarzit!

Der LAOPvmASSSWB (Last Austrian Outpost vormals Aussenstelle Westbalkan) ist abseits bilateraler Arbeit um die Etablierung erholsamer und risikoarmer Freizeitroutinen bemüht ("remember the times when climbing was dangerous and sex was safe"). Die harten Gesteine des Witwatersrand bieten auch innerhalb dieser Stadtlandschaft annehmbare Kletterziele so etwa The Wilds.  

Hilbrow Fernsehtrum (höchstes Gebäude in Afrika). Hilbrow is ein bissl ein urbanes Problemviertel "toxic buildings".

Manni. Mein Buren-Freund. Got a big heart.


Die archetypische Boulderwand.

Standardfrage hierorts: Is it safe? Antwort: "The Wilds is considered a dodgy bouldering area and it’s been said that if you go to the Wildsthere is a good chance you’ll lose your wallet. Regrettably the rumours are mostly true, so don’t takeanything of value."

Vorausgesetzt man ist eine größere Truppe wobei das durchaus relative ist wie die Emprie zeigt.

"CITY Parks is to step up security at The Wilds in Houghton after a group of Wits students who went to climb boulders were mugged there last weekend. Kate Conradie and five of her friends are still in shock after being threatened with a gun and a knife in the tranquil park."

Person 1: "9 Climbers got mugged by 3 guys with knives on Tuesday afternoon." (...)

Person 2: "Go in big groups, wear old clothes and shoes, leave all your valuables at home, run like hell if you hear rustling in the bushes!Hope no one was hurt during this attack."

Person 3:  "\"Big group\"? How much bigger than 9 PEOPLE should the group be then?!"

Person 4: "There were 5 guys 4 girls in the group, 3 guys arrived with large knives and while its all good and well to say "yeah we're hard core climbers we could F**** them up" one of the group, maybe more would have ended up with large holes in their persons"

Wir hattens aber fein. Bussi M.
